Token name: $TAUR
Total supply: 150,000,000 TAUR
Initial circulating supply: 10,500,000 (7%)
Initial market cap: $493,500
Token contracts:
ETH: 0xF71288618F919FF0A779c757489A8B2e45925dDd
BSC: 0x19b99162adaab85134e781ac0048c275c31b205a
AVAX: 0x19b99162ADAAB85134E781Ac0048C275C31b205a
The release trend grows exponentially as the project develops. We can clearly track Ecosystem Incentives, Liquidity and Private Round tokens prevailing as a result of a higher demand for them.
🔸 6.00% of the total amount or 9,000,000 tokens
🔸 Seed price: $0.035
🔸 Funds raised during Seed: $315,000