With Marnotaur, you can be a Liquidity Provider and/or Trader.

<aside> ⚙ To get started with Marnotaur, you need to link up your wallet by clicking on the button in the upper right corner.


Liquidity Provider

To become a Liquidity Provider, you must select the pool you like in the ‘All Pools’ or ‘Earn as Liquidity Provider’ tab, then click on the ‘Deposit as LP’ button and you’ll see the following screen:

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On the ‘Earn as Liquidity Provider’ screen, information about the pools you are participating in as an LP will be available by click, along with your position, balance and the associated APY. Using the buttons in this column, you can close a position or add more liquidity.

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On the ‘Take 5x Leverage’ screen, users can select one of the available coins and open a margin position with 5x leverage. The screen also displays the amount of funds in the protocol, amount of liquidity available for loaning, as well as the percentage at which the loan can be taken.

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Once you are in the Take 5x Leverage page, you’ll see a number of details: what size position can be opened, the sum of the collateral, the debt amount and the price at which liquidation will happen. Initially, all these positions will be 0.

After entering the amount in the appropriate field, all these values will be recalculated accordingly. If the user agrees to the terms, they click on the ‘Borrow 5x’ button, initiating the opening of the position and a request to sign the transaction. Once completed, the user’s margin position is opened.